Monday, October 31, 2011

What's REALLY Scary This Halloween?

First things first: a HUGE thank you to all those reading my posts. Don't be shy, I would love to hear any thoughts or opinions you may have. Writing is meant to be shared, it is meant to be read, to spark ideas, to ask questions, and to expand your worldview. I am a work in progress. I am always learning new things, gaining new perspectives, and seeking knowledge from those with different experiences from my own. I hope to hear from you soon, and thanks again for giving my writing a chance! :D

On to the real post!

What's really scary this Halloween?
I am finding myself trusting people in masks (specifically Guy Fawkes masks), more than those in suits. I was raised to respect authority, and to not question the status quo. I am sure many of you were raised to be complacent citizens as well. However, I am becoming increasingly disappointed in those we as Americans are to look to for guidance. Our leaders have sold us out for greenbacks from big business lobbyists. How many more people have to lose their homes, jobs and futures before the rest of us pay attention to the hypocrisy of our government? We have more foreign debt than any country in the world. Our country debt is now nearly 100% of our GDP. The people running the show expect the market to turn around by throwing more dollars in the pot. Simple economics will tell you that by injecting valueless dollars into the system we are only creating inflation. Have you noticed the price of fruit is doubling? Milk prices have jumped up nearly a dollar. From what I'm reading, it seems that this is only the beginning. Hyperinflation is more terrifying than ghosts and zombies, or even the hypothetical Mayan apocalypse. I remember reading an anecdote in my high school US History class on the livelihood of the German people right after WWI. The currency at that time was so useless they were collecting paper money for kindling, since they couldn't afford the heinous price of coal to heat their homes. The price of bread jumped to the equivalent of hundreds of US dollars for just one loaf.

I'm not saying that's what our future has in store for us. However, I am losing hope that things are getting better. Students and graduates across the country are waking up to the fact that there are no jobs for us. Many young people are dropping out of school. What's the point of a degree if it doesn't make you any more economically stable? My generation is NOT stupid. We are taking to the streets, the internet, the people's plazas of the country, and we are retaliating against the banks. My hope is carried on the shoulders of my peers. The only thing we need to overcome is our apathy, and the ignorance surrounding the institutions running our lives.

Nothing is scarier to me than staring at my reflection, and wondering what I will be seeing over the next few years.

If you are interested in finding out what is happening in this country outside of the occupy movement, I would encourage you to visit this website:

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